The Christmas Challenge

Recently I was out running errands amid the Christmas shopping madness, and madness is really the best way to describe what I saw.  In the seasonal movies Christmas shopping is full of hustle, bustle, smiles, and people wishing each other a "Merry Christmas."  That's not at all what I saw and experienced.  Very few people smiled, I didn't hear a single "Merry Christmas," not even a "Happy Holidays."  One woman snapped at a cashier over something the poor girl had absolutely no control.  Another woman was loudly complaining because the item she was looking for wasn't available.  Everyone seemed rather rude and in such a hurry.

When did Christmas become such a chore?  

Something the last couple of years has taught me is that life is to be cherished, and our loved ones are the true gifts.  I know I wouldn't have survived what I have without my family and friends.  Christmas should be a joyous occasion, and gifts should come from heart.  

I have a challenge...

The Christmas Challenge

  • Tell your family and friends that you love them.  That may be something they don't hear often, and they should hear and know it.

  • Do something for someone else.   

    • When you're baking your Christmas cookies, take a half dozen over to your neighbor so they know you're thinking of them.  
    • Spend $5 at the Dollar Store on a hat, scarf, and pair of gloves.  Then either drop them off at your local homeless shelter or give them to the homeless man you see every day at lunch.  
    • Donate a bag of food to the pet shelter, or better yet, take an animal home for the holidays so the shelter employees can have time off as well.
    • Take muffins to the police or fire station in your neighborhood.
    • Donate canned food to a foodbank.
    • Volunteer.

  • Be nice!

    • Remember your manners.  Say please, thank you, and excuse me.
    • Smile at those around you.  A smile is contagious, and you may find yourself starting a cheery trend.
    • Don't yell at the cashier, servers, or others.  The majority of the time they aren't even responsible for whatever has you in such a sour mood anyway.  
    • Pay someone a sincere compliment.

And that's the Christmas Challenge.  It does have three parts, but none of them are difficult or expensive.  The only thing they really require is for each of us to take a few moments to have a better attitude toward others. Think you can do it?

C'mon, I double dog dare you!
