Do you ever feel that you've come under the influence of negative, or even evil, energy? Some signs may include:
- Exhaustion
- Extreme Stress
- Money Problems
- Constant Illness
- Inability to Concentrate
- Poor Sleep
- Repeated Negative Thoughts
- Losing Things, only to Later Find Them in an Obvious Place
- Poor Communication with Loved Ones and Coworkers
- Irritability
- Anxiety
- Plants and Animals Fail to Thrive
If this seems familiar to you then you may, very well, be surrounded by negative energy or people. There are things you can do to combat this.
- Sprinkle protection powder in the corners of your property and around your home.
- Smudge your home.
- Use a smudge pot.
- Plant peppermint, alyssum, sunflowers, daffodils and lily of the valley around the boundaries of your property, especially in the corners.
- Place apples around your home to promote peace, and put cut up apples around your property.
Protection Powder
Combine approximately equal amounts of several of the following in a mortar & pestle and grind until you have a fine powder. Note: you don't need as much sulfur. A pinch or two will do. (You don't need to use everything. The more powerful ingredients are marked with an asterisk.)
- Eggshell
- Agrimony *
- Sulphur (pinch) *
- Black Salt *
- Black Pepper *
- Sage *
- Angelica *
- Cloves *
- Fennel Seed
- Basil *
- Bay Leaf *
- Chili Pepper
- Marjoram
- Nutmeg
- Dill
- Oregano
- Parsley
- Lavender
- Garlic
- Peppermint
- Charcoal
- Wood Ash
- Tobacco
Sprinkle the powder around the edges of your property, especially in the corners, as well as around the outside of your home. You can add some to a mojo bag and wear it, or put some in a small dish on your window sills.
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