Psychic Abilities

Contrary to popular belief, everyone is born with psychic ability. We are all blessed with that "gut instinct" or intuition, commonly called our Sixth Sense, although some may have stronger abilities than others. It's like playing the piano. Anyone can learn to play, but not everyone will play at Carnegie Hall. While there is much to be said for natural talent, there is also just as much to be said for practice.

Children frequently demonstrate signs of extrasensory perception, seeing spirits, and more.  Unfortunately, we teach them to ignore or deny their abilities.  When  child talks about their invisible friend, we tell them it's only their imagination and not to trust what they may actually be experiencing.  

We teach our children not to be psychic, so they have to relearn it when they're older.

So, the questions are which ability do you have, how strong is it, and how can you strengthen it?  Do any of these seem familiar or stir childhood memories?

Psychic Abilities
AbilitySub-AbilityDefinitionAlso Known As
Astral ProjectionAbility to voluntarily project an astral or mental body separate from the physical body.
Automatic WritingAbility to draw or write without conscious intent.
DivinationAbility to gain insight into a situation using occult means.
ScryingAbility to receive pyschic information by staring into an object or surface.
DowsingAbility to locate water or objects.
ErgokinesisAbility to influence the movement of energy.
Extrasensory PerceptionAbility to gain information with the mind, rather than the recognized five physical senses.aka Sixth Sense or ESP
ClairalienceAbility to smell things outside the normal range.
ClairaudienceAbility to hear things not connected to the physical sense.
ClaircognizanceAbility to gain information through supernatural means.
ClairgustanceAbility to taste things not connected to the physical sense.aka Remote Tasting
ClairomancyAbility to detect events from other places and times.
ClairsentienceAbility to feel things not connected to the physical sense.
ClairvoyanceAbility to see things and events that are happening far away, and locate objects, places, people, using a sixth sense.
PrecognitionAbility to perceive or gain knowledge about future events, without using induction or deduction from known facts.aka Premonition
Remote ViewingAbility to see a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception.
RetrocognitionAbility to supernaturally perceive past events.aka Postcognition
MediumshipAbility to communicate with spirits.
ChannelingAbility to allow angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, and beings in spiritual realms speak through you.
ProphecyAbility to foretell events.aka Premonition
Psychic SurgeryAbility to remove disease or illness in the body via an "energetic" incision that heals immediately afterwards.
PsychometryAbility to obtain information about a person or an object by touch.
PyrokinesisAbility to control flames, fire, or heat using one's mind.
TelekinesisAbility to influence a physical system without physical interaction, typically manifesting as being able to exert force, control objects and move matter with one's mindaka Psychokinesis
TelepathyAbility to transmit or receive thoughts supernaturally.
ClairtelepathyAbility to detect mental resonances from other locations and times. Can also perceive thoughts across species, as well as from the past, the future, the spirit world and the realms of the divine.
EmpathyAbility to fully interpret and experience the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others.aka Clairempathy
WitnessingGift of being visited by high profile spiritual beings such as Mary or Jesus .
