Do you know about the Law of Attraction?
I’ve had health issues my entire life, although they have become much worse these last 20 years or so. During this time I’ve usually managed to have a positive outlook. I believe one of the reasons for that can be attributed to my mother’s frequent quoting of “what goes around, comes around.” Others may call it karma.
I believe it works.
When I had open heart surgery in 2003, the doctor told my family that he couldn’t believe I’d had children. He just didn’t see how my heart could have supported a pregnancy and childbirth, but it did. Twice. Mom told him they didn’t realize how sick I was because I was usually upbeat and positive. The doctor replied,, “It has to be her attitude.”
Early in 2014 a trip to the emergency room ended up with a possible diagnosis of advanced ovarian cancer, followed by a major abdominal surgery within two weeks. During those two weeks, the few people I trusted with my situation were all anxious. I refused to spend my time worrying because I knew it wouldn’t make anything better. Instead, I remained positive, confident that I would make the best of whatever came my way. When the surgery was over, I learned that there was no cancer, although I had every female problem in the book, which certainly explained many of the problems I’d had since the age of 10. I was asked, “How did you live with that?” My reply was that I tried to keep a good attitude.
In 2020 I had my third stroke, and I was terrified. I am predominantly right handed, and the stroke disabled my right side. I spent that first night, alone in the hospital, pondering a life of even more disability, crying, worrying. Then I decided to make the best of it and began doing exercises before I even met with a physical therapist. I started with something simple, pumping my foot, raising my knee, bringing two fingers together. On the third day, I managed to get my hair into a ponytail. It sure didn’t look like much and had taken me nearly an hour, but I was as happy and as proud of that ponytail as of anything else I’ve accomplished in my life. I pointed it out to every person who entered my room that day. Most looked at me as if I’d lost my mind, but the physical therapist was as proud as I was, saying, “You’ll make a great recovery because of your attitude.”
I’m not a Pollyanna, I have bad days when I’m downright grumpy, but I truly believe in The Law of Attraction, which says the energy you send out is what is returned to you. When we use our energy to think and act positively then positive things are returned to us. Conversely, negativity brings negative returns.
These days all of the talk is about manifesting, the practice of envisioning something until it comes about. At the root of manifesting is the Law of Attraction. If you are trying to manifest something good then you must send out good energy, and the more the better.
If you believe you can make it happen, it can happen. It all begins with your attitude.
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