A Medium Reading -- What to Expect, What to Do

Many who come to me for a medium reading have never had one before, so they aren't sure what to expect or do.  I thought I'd string together a few words to let you know how a reading is done, what to expect, how to respond, and proper etiquette.  

First, let me share what it's like for me when I communicate with spirits.  It's a bit like having a conversation with someone about 20 feet away in a professional football stadium, during a game, and the home team is scoring.  In other words, it can be chaos.  I have to use all of my senses to figure out what the spirit is attempting to share.  I may hear some things, see others, smell something every once in a while, or I may experience a sensation.  It's very much like assembling a giant puzzle with quite a few missing pieces and then attempting to present a fairly complete image to the person for whom I'm reading.  

A one-on-one reading is definitely less chaotic than a group reading because I'm only trying to focus on one person's spirits.  However, something such as an online gallery reading can be quite an affair because sometimes the spirits of several people jockey to see who can come through first, and then I have multiplied chaos.  Truthfully, I've known this my entire life, so I'm used to sorting through the melee, but it can be physically tiring, especially when my empathetic abilities are fully functioning.  

So, what can you do to make this a good experience for all?

  • Approach the reading with an open mind.  If you're skeptical, it's okay.  Just don't come in with your mind already made up to not believe.
  • Be realistic about your expectations. I can only share with you what the spirit shares with me.  If your loved one wasn't very talkative when they were alive then they probably haven't changed, and I can't make them say more than they want to say or share.  What may not seem like much to you may have taken a great deal of energy for that spirit to share.  It's not always easy.
  • Ask questions.  Sometimes I get caught up in the moment and forget to describe what's going on, so don't hesitate to ask questions.  They can prompt me to catch something I may have been overlooking, or they may provide you with an important detail.
  • Provide feedback.  If you recognize the spirit I'm describing.  Let me know.  If you don't, let me know that as well.  It's possible for spirits to "piggyback" a reading, or take advantage of my being open and pop in to share their own message for someone else.  I refer to them as "drive-bys," and I'd appreciate knowing if they're aren't for you.  Then I can spend our time and my energy on you and your spirits.  I can catch the drive-by later.  
  • Don't play "Test the Psychic."  I understand many want "proof" that what is happening is real, but the more time you spend testing and looking for one particular thing is time taken away from your reading and may cause you to miss out on something big.
  • Record your initial thoughts, memories, and impressions as soon after the reading as possible.  I've never understood why, but I don't always recall a reading and what happened once it's over and I've closed the connection.  If you've made notes it can help both of us recall what we discussed.  Also, while something may not have meant anything now, it may mean a great deal in the future.  
Something to remember is that not all readings are the same.  I may have an incredible reading for you but not for your friend, or vice versa.  There can be a myriad of reasons for this, and the main one is that some people are just easier to read than others.  Also, some individuals work on opening themselves and inviting their loved ones in, while others remain closed.  Then there's the fact that not all spirits share as well as others.  Grandpa may have been the strong, silent type when he was alive, and he probably still is now that he's passed.  You just don't get as much out of a spirit like that.

Plus, sometimes our loved ones don't have great, earth-shattering messages for us.  They just want us to know that they're fine or keeping an eye on us.  

I hope this helps.  As always, feel free to contact me here or ask questions.
